2×2 Welcomes A New Ministry

2×2 has pen pals in many corners of the world. The leaders—and sometimes the church members—email us stories from their ministries regularly — at least once a week.

  • We know about the house church in the Arctic Circle in Sweden.
  • We are trying to encourage Pakistan’s goal of 1000 new house churches this year and their quest for Bibles.
  • We’ve cheered a husband and wife in western Kenya who care for orphans.

Our mission efforts are very hands on. And we do this work with a zero budget.

We share these ministries under our Friends in Ministry menu tab. Today we add a fifth Kenyan ministry to our fellowship. There are three in Nairobi and two near Kisii.

Welcome Shalom Evangelistic Gathering!

We continue to be amazed that these fellowships — all of whom met on 2×2 — continue to influence one another in very tangible ways.

Recently, the Fellowship in Pakistan sent a representative to meet one of the churches in Kenya. That church leader traveled with him to meet another church in the 2×2 fellowship in the western part of Kenya.

This month, a church leader in Nigeria wrote telling us of his plans to travel to Kenya. He asked for a contact there. With permission, we put him touch with a leader of a church in Kenya. They reported last week that the visit went very well.

2×2 seems to be well-named. We are spreading a network of Christian fellowship we didn’t envision when we started our website. We simply had an idea that we could have both a local and global ministry.

There is more news afoot in our international ministry. Check back in a week or two!

You are welcome to join our fellowship.