Adult Object Lesson: Christ the King Sunday

Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14  •  2 Samuel 23:1-7  •
Psalm 93  •  Revelation 1:4b-8  •  John 18:33-37

We crown Jesus king next Sunday, despite his earthly protests.

God resisted the concept of kings until his chosen people demanded one. Kings are an acquired taste!

Kings are a foreign concept to Americans. We read about kings in story books. We respect the monarchs of other countries, but the idea of being a subject under a king that rules by birthright is not easily understood by us.

Yet that is the imagery of today’s scriptures.

Today it wouldn’t be a bad idea to point out what “kingship” entails.

Use a flip chart and start to make a list.

Ask your congregations for words that they might associate with an earthly king.

Add their suggestions to the chart and talk about how the earthly king might correspond to Jesus as King.

Expect words like crown, castle, throne, realmqueenpower, subjects, scepter

Create a little chart, adding the heavenly counterpart to the analogy.