Please read this post, if able.

There is a fad in the church first noticed ages ago by one of our ambassadors. We dismissed it as his pet peeve, but he has a point. It is getting annoying. Why do all pastors feel compelled to add the phrase “if able” to every worship instruction?

If people are not able, they won’t do it! And if people don’t want to follow instructions, it calls attention and question to either their disability or their orneriness! Why don’t worship leaders just say, “You are invited to stand.” and leave it at that? Most able people will follow instructions. Those with disabilities will not feel singled out…and ornery people…they will always be with us!

Really, we don’t know what we are “able” to do, until we try.

Please stand, if able.

Please sit, if able.

Please read, if able.

Please think, if able.

Confess, if able.

Repent, if able.

Forgive, if able.

Reconcile, if able.

Love, if able.