Redeemer Faces Adversity with Thanksgiving

Redeemer (2×2’s sponsoring church) is in its third year of exile from the ELCA. As we approach Thanksgiving we remember that this sacred national holiday grew from our nation’s darkest hour — the Civil War.

Our bitter and divisive national conflict ultimately unified our nation and made us stronger. Nevertheless, we wonder what the thousands who died at the hands of brothers might have accomplished given four years of peace and nurture.

We do not know what will grow from our own civil war. This Thanksgiving, we reflect on what we have learned. We have learned that:

  • church community can thrive without buildings. Buildings are tools for ministry but not requisite.
  • church community does not depend on clergy. Redeemer remains grateful for the handful of unnamed clergy who have provided occasional pastoral care.
  • the secular community is often more helpful and spiritual than the Church. Secular organizations of East Falls have shared generously. Churches have been silent.
  • our quietest members sometimes have the most strength given circumstances that draw upon them.
  • individuals are more likely to take action than organizations. The support we have received has been from individual Christians, not organized Christianity.
  • we are not alone in our struggles, but it has fallen upon us to bear the standard.
  • Christian community can reach beyond traditional definitions as we begin to attract support from around the world.
  • the difference between talking our faith and living our faith. We encounter that difference each week.
  • it is possible to live our faith, but we cannot count on church leaders for guidance, encouragement or conscience.

This Thanksgiving — our third since being excommunicated from the Lutheran Church and evicted from our property — we give thanks to our anonymous supporters who have contributed generously to our defense. God bless you and your ministries.

Most important, we give thanks to God 

  • for the strength He has given us to bear attacks from our brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • for the lives of those who passed through our community before us, setting examples.
  • for the lives of the named saints whose struggles teach us that the Way is not easy.
  • for the sacrifice of His Son, which makes our sacrifices seem insignificant.
  • for the challenges that have taught us things about ourselves.
  • for the opportunities which have led us to new ministries we might not have nurtured had we been focussed on the more traditional ministry.
  • for scriptures which mean so much more when facing hardship.
  • for His continued protection and love.

2×2 is taking a two-day Thanksgiving break. Happy Thanksgiving to all.