I Am Only the Messenger:
This five-act play will enrich your congregation’s Advent observance.
The angel Gabriel visits six key players in the Advent saga—Zechariah and Mary (as in the Bible) and Elizabeth, Joseph, and John the Baptist and Jesus (as imagined). Use this approximately 60-minute play in one showing or use one act at a time for the four weeks of Advent. The individual acts work well as Chancel plays for each of the four Sundays in Advent or for memorable mid-week Advent worship. The fifth act provides a segue to the Epiphany season.

This Five-Act Play Is Written with Small Congregations in Mind
(but larger congregations can use it, too!)
Small Cast
This play involves six characters. Gabriel (or Gabriella!), Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and John the Baptist as boys. Four acts involve just two characters. One act involves three characters.
Easy to Stage
Staging this play involves no elaborate sets (unless you want to get fancy).
Rehearsals are easy to schedule because the Acts involve only two or three characters at a time.
No or Low Cost
to ProduceCostumes and props are easily found. 2×2 gives each congregation the right to copy the play for their cast members.
Your PLAY will be available for instant download after payment.
2x2 keeps costs as low as possible. Buy one copy for just $4.75
(that’s less than dessert at a family restaurant)
and make copies for your cast (our treat).