
Luke 16

Adult Object Lesson-Luke 16:19-31

waterThe Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

This parable is one of the most memorable to me from my childhood. I had an old Sunday School paper given to me by an elderly church member that showed poor Lazarus with the dog under the table. The image spoke to me and I thought a lot about this story with its other rich images—the rich man enduring the agony of Hades and the poor man seated comfortably with honor in heaven.

The definition of a parable, taught to us as children, is “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”

The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is a story about how we value wealth. When weighed against the danger of losing our place in God’s kingdom, how important are our possessions?

That’s a big subject. How do we cover such vast territory with an object lesson?

Let’s consider one of the most valuable things in the world—something we are accustomed to having provided to us for free.

Drinking water.

Our object is the $2 bottle of (name your favorite brand) water.

Bottling individual portions of water for sale changed the way we view and value everyday drinking water.

Water was once provided for free in restaurants. You didn’t have to ask. Water was placed before you. Now you not only have to ask, you ask at the risk of the upsell. “Would you like seltzer water or (name the brand)?” You can sense the disappointment when you say—tap water will be fine.

I once stayed in a hotel where they had in the room’s minibar $6 bottles of water imported from Scandinavia. H2O is H2O, still one of my companions just had to sample it.

Since water is now sold in easy to carry containers, you see them everywhere. Whoever cleans your sanctuary is liking to collect a few bottles from the pews—unheard of 20 years ago.

Professional performers who might have hidden a cup of water to wet their whistle between numbers, position a bottle of water in plain sight. Product placement!

Teachers report that students feel they must have water with them in the classroom. “Stay hydrated” is a popular mantra. “Very important” usually follows the advice.

The offer of water was once an expectation of hospitality. When I was a child, hiking in the country, it was not unusual to be offered water as we passed a farmhouse.

Water fountains were once frequent appointments in public buildings. It was so important to all human beings that even if we didn’t want to share, we provided separate fountains for the people we were looking down upon — the Lazaruses of our day. “Whites only” or “Colored” signs were attached.

We have a new set of nuisances or problems all because of bottled water (including disposing of the used bottles). Because it now has a measurable value to us, we now think about water very differently. The common tin cup hanging by the well is no longer good enough for anyone.

Owning our bottles of water makes us part of our culture. We feel rich and accepted when we are always armed with H2O. As common as water is, we have made it a commercial status symbol.

That immediately affects the way we share. We are tempted to keep our purchased bottles for ourselves. Let everyone buy their own bottles of water.

And yet, water is something none of us can live without.

How important is it for us to have water? How important is it for us to reach heaven?

The rich man is begging for the opportunity to leave Hades for just one day to warn his brothers to share their water.

An earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

photo credit: toastforbrekkie via photopin cc

Art in Religion: The Shrewd Manager

This is a tough parable. Even the theologians have a difficult time explaining it. It leaves me wondering if there is something missing to modern ears that might have seemed obvious to the disciples and early Christians. It almost seems as if Jesus is condoning dishonesty.

Having read a number of explanations from people more learned than I, I’ve concluded that it boils down to attitude or perhaps passion. The Shrewd Manager was willing to do whatever he needed to do to protect his relationships. His methods left no one further hurt and generally everyone was happy. He was thinking of himself and his future. Maybe that’s what the disciples needed to hear—that they need to think about the future.

Here is some art that might help us think about this confusing parable.

In most case there are three parts to each painting. The rich man, the shrewd manager and the people who are usually depicted as happily going about their business with their burden in life lessened.

The first painting is from the Coptic tradition of North Africa. “What?” the shrewd merchant is saying. “You want a written report?”


Here we see the interaction of the boss and the manager only.

Next is an etching that also focuses on just the two key players. That guy in the middle is the snitch—the fellow who reported the shrewd manager. I wonder if he was a really good friend of the rich man or if he expected a reward!

But notice the shrewd manager here. He stands before the rich man in humility.

shrewd1The next depiction tells the whole story. Pay attention to all the interaction of the characters. There’s real drama here!


Here is a similar drawing.


We’ll close with a painting by Marinus van Reymerswaele from 1540 back when “witch hats” were fashionable all year round. Once again you have all three elements. The happy debtors. The satisfied merchant and the shrewd manager who is still trying to explain himself even after the rich man has commended him. “It’s all right,” the rich man is saying. “I’ve got most of my money back. The people think well of me. They really like you. Go on your way and be happy. I won’t worry about you. You’ll be fine.”
