Adult Object Lesson: August 26, 2012
Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, Psalm 34:15-22, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69
It is time to make a choice.
This Sunday’s scripture readings are the climax to a series of readings centered on the sixth chapter of John. For several weeks, we have followed the gospel writer’s narrative as the tension builds.
A lot has happened. Sick have been healed. Multitudes have been fed. Much preaching and teaching has taken place.
Jesus has returned to the city from the Galilean “suburbs” and is now speaking from the temple in Capernaum. He, like Joshua, is asking his followers to make a choice.
The end of Chapter 6 is paired with the reading from Joshua where the successor to Moses stands on the ground made holy by the patriarch Abram and defines the choice before them. Worship the Gods of their pagan neighbors or worship the God of Israel who led them out of captivity.
Write the word “BELIEVE” on two pieces of paper. Fold the papers so that they fit in your closed hand. Put one in each of your hands and hold them out. Ask a member of your congregation to choose one.
Of course, as the paper is unfolded, the word BELIEVE will appear. Talk about what it means to believe. It is an order, in one sense. Or it can be interpreted as a creed or statement of fact.
Point to Peter’s creed at the end of the Gospel. Point out that Peter’s statement of faith is made as many were beginning to desert the cause!
At the end of your talk. Reveal that the other hand holds the same message. The point is that we all choose to BELIEVE something. We can’t avoid making a choice. We will face repeated temptations to stray. We can stand with Peter and believe in God or we can flee with the others and believe in a god of convenience.
What we believe and who we follow is our decision. It’s a life-changing decision that we will be tempted to abandon.
Close with Joshua’s quote. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”