It’s all about innovation. It’s all about transforming. It’s all about reaching people.
Examine the Church’s actions:
It’s all about keeping a tight rein on the way things have been for years and years.
The Church is sluggish in adopting the evangelism tools of our era. Its failure in this regard lies in its need to control. It enjoys hierarchy. They’ve worked hard at it for so long! Therefore, people will take part in dialogue upon invitation and with appropriate monitoring only.
It’s a risk for the people in the Church to insist upon a voice. Those that make it to the Regional and National Assemblies are pretty well vetted by tradition.
The pope tweets. It’s a newsworthy event.
The pope does not follow. Now, if he did, that would be news!
The few churches adopting social media tend to be independent “non-denominational” churches. Is it a surprise that independent non-denominational churches reach young people while the mainline church has dismal statistics with the under-50 population.
Mainline churches start Facebook pages, but don’t really use them. Pastors start blogging and quit after six posts. They use LinkedIn but keep their profiles private. They don’t really want to connect. They want people to come to them. Sunday morning works . . . or call the office for an appointment.
In order to grow, the Church has to let go.
Twitter has great potential for connecting. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming—although it can become an interesting place to spend some time! The connections possible in a few months of working in this medium could be AMAZING.
The results are predictable only in that they will change the Church’s outlook. They would start to connect with the people they dream of reaching.
Pastor Andy Stanley’s book, The Best Question Ever, teaches a common sense approach to life decisions, mostly involving relationships, marriage, career and finance. He measures all decisions against a measure of wisdom. His advice is certainly not bad if your goal is to avoid trouble.
But I find the approach to be problematic if it is applied too broadly. Many of the best decisions in the world would never have passed his test. The decisions in life that lead to innovation and progress and much-needed reforms often appear to be unwise in every way, shape and form.
He sites the Bible’s poster child for wisdom, Solomon. But there are pages of the Bible filled with tales of the foolish. Was Noah wise when he hammered the first peg into the ark? Was Solomon’s father wise when he pulled out his slingshot and headed toward the Philistine camp? Was the widow wise when she put that last penny in the temple coffer?
This book is filled with lots of good advice for eliminating unnecessary trouble from your life by getting into the habit of asking more questions before taking actions which commonly lead to heartbreak. From the standpoint of a counselor, it is solid. The benefits of his approach are intended to ease personal discomfort and give direction in life — desirable outcomes, for sure. A great deal of pain in the world could be avoided by following his advice.
But moving beyond the counseling session and the questions of personal values and lifestyle, the question he asks us to pose is just as likely to lead to inaction. The Godly answer might sound to the world like a fool’s errand.
If you are looking for answers to change the circumstances of your life — to learn to make better personal decisions — The Best Question Ever is a good starting point.
However, if the disciples would have asked The Best Question Ever, they might have run for the Galilean hills. Then, where would we be today?
But that’s the nature of the Bible. Sometimes it teaches us wisdom; sometimes it praises the foolhardy.
I’ve had the opportunity to attend many youth concerts in the last few years. I’ve noticed a remarkable difference from my own school experiences.
Today’s young people have the ability to excel in skills beyond what was possible for all but the most motivated among those of us who were schooled 40-50 years ago.
They have constant exposure to the professional talent. We had the Mickey Mouse Club and the Ed Sullivan Show.
They have teaching tools that were unavailable to us as we learned to play our instruments. Online teachers are plentiful. There is a device that can play recorded music slowly without changing the pitch. How I remember replacing the needle on the high-fi, guessing that it was falling at the phrase I wanted to learn and trying to keep up with the pros as I practiced! I’d have died for one of them.
Suffice to say . . . the coming generations are better at many skills at an earlier age than we dreamed of being. The contestant age requirement on some of TVs singing competitions has dropped to 12. Twelve! The 12-year-olds are holding their own. The quality is there. Sometimes their lack of maturity causes them to falter, but several have made it through to the final rounds.
How does this speak to the church?
As much as we like to think of the worship experience as corporate and engaging, it really isn’t — not when measured against the potential.
Those who grew up in the church and have an understanding of what is going on in a worship service may take comfort in knowing the rationale behind the various sections of the liturgy and understand how it intends to engage them.
But these are fewer and fewer. As a result, worship becomes more and more passive. We exist in a world where our ability to express ourselves is exploding with potential. Yet in worship we are asked to behave as spectators. As spectators we have higher expectations!
For the last three years, Redeemer worshipers have been forced into a spectator role, denied access to our own sanctuary. In our own worship, we would all be involved. But that happens only on the first Sundays of the month now. Nevertheless, we take seriously our role as spectators, participating in the limited ways allowed as guests in worship.
We notice that the worshiping body is more and more passive. The larger the congregation, the more passive. Some even pay select choir members!
Congregational singing is generally weak, with many congregations content to be overpowered by an organ. The roles of worshipers are orchestrated. One will read scripture. Another will take the offering. Tradition.
Spontaneous expression is almost non-existent with the occasional exception of prayer, notably in the churches with more of an African or African-American membership.
In 52 visits, we have seen no dance (common in Redeemer worship). Choirs are fairly rare.
I miss Redeemer worship. There was always something interesting and spontaneous happening. I miss playing my wooden flute. I carried it with me and often played during hymns, just sitting in the pew. I haven’t been able to do that for years now. We haven’t seen that type of spontaneity in any worship setting we’ve visited.
A nod from a worship leader was enough to let a worshiper know that they would be leading the next part of worship. I can’t recall anyone balking.
Sometimes it was embarrassing, but human. One week, (has to be five years ago) someone stepped forward to sing a solo. Her choice ended up to be the opening hymn. What are the odds of that! So she sang it. And then we sang it. It was memorable. The hymn was “We Have Come Into His House.” Do you remember what the opening hymn was in your worship last week?
As an observer, I wonder if the structure of the worship service, which was created at a time when one or two educated members of the community directed the illiterate masses, might need an overhaul to allow for the growing talents and expectations of our community members. Their abilities make them much less likely to be content as spectators at worship and many don’t have the tradition of knowing that when they are asked to stand or sit or read the words that are printed in the bulletin in boldface — well, that’s involvement!
We have a tendency to substitute ritual and call it engagement. Are we really engaged when we all file to front of the church and hold hands out for communion?
There is a huge challenge in wondering about all this.
Most of our talented young community members are not in church.
When you attend Christmas Eve worship in your unlocked church next Monday, think what might be possible if the Church didn’t do things the same way week after week.
Until then, once or twice a year, when the Church is putting its best foot forward, might be enough for most people. Click to tweet.
Sometimes people find 2×2 by asking a search engine what this means. It happens to be one of the many African proverbs we published on the subject of leadership.
It means don’t expect the dog to come. Don’t expect any good to result. Don’t expect progress. It means your efforts are bullyish and give the illusion of power but are ultimately purpose-defeating.
We have not yet begun to dissect it. It is still raw. We are all grieving and cannot imagine the sorrow that fills the hearts of the community and families who loved the victims.
Soon every school will review its safety procedures—just as Sandy Hook school had.
This school was safe. It was isolated from urban streets and gangs and the things that first come to mind when we think of schools and violence.
The children weren’t poor nor were they “under-served.”
Security had already been addressed. The school doors were locked.
It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter in Sandy Hook. It didn’t matter in Lancaster.
When the tears begin to dry — if ever — the events will be analyzed again. President Obama has pledged reform. The age-old arguments will rise. The rights of the citizens to keep and bear arms will be upheld—and there will be another school shooting.
Why are schools targets? My guess: Schools are the nurseries of society’s social relationships. Mostly good happens there. When bad things happen, when the young first feel the sting of rejection, when the pain has sufficiently festered, it’s a place to return, literally and symbolically.
Most “senseless” crime begins with someone not caring enough to act. Someone not loving. Someone not helping. Someone not noticing injustice. Someone making us feel small.
Someone locking their heart’s door.
Locks make the people holding the key feel safe—and important—and in control.
There will be talk. There will be posturing. A law will be enacted which will have the same effect the current gun laws have. It will be called the Sandy Hook Law. There will be a ceremony in the White House. The victim’s families will be invited.
It might do some good.
In the end, nothing will change—unless we address our society’s communal sense of empathy.
Let us pray.
For the power to act, when our actions can do the most good.
Our Ambassadors are a loyal group of Lutherans. They amaze me with their fortitude. They amaze me even more with their spirituality and goodness.
They inspired our 52 visits. They go with open hearts, truly enjoying worship. They also feel true sadness and wonder at the way they have been treated within the church. They rarely talk about it. They are much more interested in the congregations we visit then the congregations have interest in us.
Keep in mind that The SEPA/Redeemer conflict is not a distant game to us to be trusted to others to solve. Eleven members of Redeemer stand to lose their homes and livelihoods because of this conflict which we entered with good grounds. The courts even agree on that. There was room for dispute. Had the church truly taken the time to hear and weigh the issues, a better solution would have been found that would have avoided five years of fighting in public. A few evenings or afternoons working with us would have pointed to so much good. Instead, the Church has opted for years of wrangling.
Sadly, the courts didn’t give the issues much time either. They thought it was the Church’s job.
I opened my email this morning and saw a note from one of our ambassadors — an 80-year-old woman, devoted to her church, who stands to lose her home and income because of synod’s greedy actions against our congregation. I opened it with concern.
There I saw the story behind the well-known hymn, “When Peace Like A River” or “It Is Well with My Soul.”
I knew this story, but it is good to hear it again, especially coming from someone facing similar circumstances.
As you read it remember that the problems facing Redeemer NEVER had to be and can still be curbed.
The song “It Is Well With My Soul” was written by a successful Christian lawyer. He had two daughters and a wife. The family planned a summer trip overseas. He had a lot of work to complete and sent his family ahead, planning to follow them on a later ship. While traveling, he heard the news that the ship his family had boarded had capsized. All souls lost.
On his return home, he found that his place of business had been destroyed by fire. Insurance ruled it an act of God and would not pay. Without a place to work, he soon lost his house. While pondering his plight, he turned to the Lord and penned the now familiar words— Whatever my Lord, you have taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.
What a testimony! Both from the hymn’s author, Horatio Spafford, and our Ambassador.
But acceptance of misfortune is not an excuse to take advantage of church members’ spirituality. We are supposed to help one another. This travesty can still be stopped.
Our Ambassadors have decided to spend our Sundays enjoying seasonal spiritual offerings. Concerts. The Messiah, etc. It’s just too hard to worship with the Lutherans who are suing us. There’s a new year coming! We’ll be back!
When Did the Lutherans of East Falls Become Enemies?
Why is SEPA’s only envisioned solution to the six-year conflict between the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and Redeemer Church a score something like
SEPA: $2,000,000
People of Redeemer: 0—and if necessary to ensure the win—Homeless and Destitute?
What is this conflict really about?
SEPA must have grounds to declare synodical administration. Those grounds are detailed in the constitution and have to do with just one thing—the ability of the congregation to fulfill its “missional” purpose. It has nothing to do with the size of the congregation or the history of the congregation.
Five years of growing ministry with no support from SEPA and considerable attempts to shackle us prove that SEPA assessment of Redeemer’s potential was faulty. Their motives were monetary as evidenced by their attempt to sell our property without our knowledge early in 2008.
If there was truly a concern about Redeemer’s ability to do mission, why did SEPA declare Synodical Administration and then do nothing for five months before they even told the congregation and for more than a year afterwards? Clearly, there was no dire concern.
SEPA must admit that routinely running deficit budgets blinded their own sense of mission.
Maybe the clergy and Lutherans in the pew think these details don’t matter. They do. They are the details that all court actions are hanging on.
The people of East Falls, nearly four years after SEPA won in a court that never heard the case, are still being abused. There is still no end in sight. And remember, the PA Supreme Court ended in a split decision with the minority stating that if the law were followed, Redeemer’s arguments had merit.
Because the Synod, from the very beginning chose to attack members as individuals, they gave Redeemer members no recourse but to fight. They already have everything we owned as a congregation. That has not been enough.
In the early days of the conflict, we heard a lot of clergy use the excuse, “We didn’t know.”
That doesn’t fly anymore. You’ve been told. Numerous letters have been written to SEPA and clergy. Personal visits have been made to a third of SEPA congregations. This web site has discussed the issues thoroughly.
You know that your Church is not behaving compassionately. It is abusing its powers. It is using bullying techniques as ministry tools.
And you don’t care.
It’s not happening to you. You as a synod are the beneficiaries.
To you it is mildly uncomfortable, a topic to be avoided. You think, there must be something to it, dismiss it without investigating and then move on.
The people of East Falls have lived with numerous threats of legal action every day for five years. We haven’t left the denomination. We were kicked out by decree and with no discussion. Loyal, we continue to attend churches and stand next to the Lutherans who are suing us, who are praying for good things, who pass us the peace of the Lord, invite us to the communion table . . . . and do nothing to change things.
SEPA Lutherans, you can still call upon your leaders to work this out honorably and equitably and in a way that will not embarrass the denomination when you look back at this years from now.
The prescription for peace is in the Bible. We have to talk to one another.
We are Lutherans. Interdependent. Supposedly working together. Ask for a forum. We CAN talk to one another. Contact your Synod Council. Tell them you want these issues to be discussed face to face within the church. Ask for a moderator or ombudsman from outside the synod to ensure that both sides are heard. This is only necessary because the lines have been drawn indelibly.
It can’t wait any longer. People — good people — people who have supported the Lutheran church all their lives are in real danger.
Work it out face to face, Christian to Christian. It’s the biblical thing to do.
And, hey, it’s Christmas. (Remember what that’s about.)
So why is there NO attempt to reconcile? Isn’t that what we teach?
The reason is that this is about winning. It’s about power. It’s about the inability to admit mistakes. It’s about pride. It’s about revenge. It is NOT about the gospel.
But there is still a chance that we can make it about the gospel. Help, please.
We at Redeemer have always considered ourselves to be on the same side—”missionally” speaking.
Here is a list of Synod Council members. Contact them and ask them to work together in the mutual discernment that has been alleged by the synod, but which has never happened.
The Synod no longer supplies contact info, so you’ll have to do some research. We’ve provided some that are easily found on line. Lay people are more of a challenge. If they accept the role of representing congregations, they should make it possible for congregations to contact them.
If you think you don’t have the power, these are the people who do. And most of them know nothing about Redeemer except what preachers with a self-interest, many of them who also know nothing, tell them. That’s how prejudice becomes powerful.
Congregation (conference)
Term expires
Bishop Claire S. Burkat
Holy Communion (Central Phila.)
Patricia Robinson, vice president
Reformation, Phila. (NW/Olney)
Rev. Raymond A. Miller, secretary
St. John, Quakertown (Upper Bucks)
He was one of the “trustees” who introduced themselves as “fact finders” failing to identify themselves as trustees and failing to mention that they considered our church under their administration. Their deceit set the stage for the conflict. He testified in court that Redeemer had more than twice the number of members as they represented to the Synod Assembly. Synod lawyers then went on in court to attempt to hold the congregation to a quorum vote for three times the number they testified.
Janet Neff, CPA, treasurer
Grace, Royersford (Upper Montgomery)
Congregation (conference)
Term expires
Rev. Paul Beck
215 723 5356
St. Peter, Hilltown (U. Bucks)
One of our officers tried to talk to him in 2007. He refused. Our representative reported that he said the Synod Council had no intention of negotiating with Redeemer.
More evidence of the SEPA myth about the “mutual discernment” process.
What might have happened if we had talked before the lawyers were called in?
Rev. Sandra Brown
215 225 5329
Holy Spirit (NE Phila.)
Her husband, Rev. Jesse Brown, was our part-time pastor in 2000, well before we accepted more than 60 members. She has had no contact with our church in 13 years.
Their church had weaker numbers and resources than Redeemer when they started a multi-cultural ministry similar to ours at about the same time SEPA was trying to destroy our multi-cultural ministry.
Fred Brown, at-large
Good Shepherd, King of Prussia (Lower Montgomery)
We visited their church.
Malcolm Davis, youth rep.
Reformation, Philadelphia (NW/Olney)
Youth reps have more say in Redeemer’s future than 82 Redeemer members had.
He was one of the “trustees” who introduced themselves as fact finders failing to identify themselves as trustees and failing to mention that they considered our church under their administration.
What Happens When the Small Church Becomes Inconvenient?
There is a problem facing the mainline Church today. It is spoken of frequently among Church professionals—less frequently with lay people. (Maybe there would be a solution if we were all part of the discussion.)
The topic (although it is not stated this way) is “What to Do with Inconvenient Churches.”
That includes most of us.
What makes a congregation “inconvenient”?
Let’s look first as what makes a “convenient” church.
Convenient churches are those that have 150 or more at worship each Sunday. They have a pastor who has already served five years and has no desire to move on. The convenient church has a paid-for property and a growing number of members supporting the ministry from the grave.
The convenient church can send a good percentage of offerings to the regional and national offices. They can send year-end gifts to major church agencies and the denominational seminaries and camps.
When a convenient church calls the Regional Office, their calls are returned. The bishop is a familiar face to them and can be counted on to visit for special occasions. Seminarians look over the list of convenient churches with hope that they might one day serve in their alluring comfort and security.
The convenient church really has little use for the regional office. But the regional office needs them and the dollars they can supply. A symbiotic bond is formed.
The inconvenient church may have some of the same traits. They could have a good number of people. They may have a paid-for property. They may have a settled pastor. But something happened —or didn’t happen— somewhere along the line that made them damaged goods, flawed beyond redemption in the eyes of church leaders.
The congregation may be clueless about its reputation. It was probably shaped over the years in the clergy gossip mill until the mere mention of the congregation’s name brings muffled chortles and knowing glances.
It is likely that clergy were somehow involved in whatever created the inconvenient situation. They are in a position to make sure the other clergy get their spin. There will never be a forum to properly examine the history. By the time the congregation learns they are marked, it is too late. The Church just doesn’t have time to deal with them and the trouble it would take to turn things around. Inconvenient.
The result is condoned shunning. Pastors won’t want to serve them. Hierarchy, in their number one role as employment agency for rostered leaders, wants the people they see and work with regularly to be happy. The laity are unknown, novices in church procedures, and will be no threat. Out of sight; out of mind.
Yet most churches today fall into the inconvenient category, possibly from decades of dealing with an unresponsive Church structure.
Churches that have been abandoned by clergy in favor of more convenient assignments quickly get used to going it alone. If they are fortunate, they develop lay leadership. After a while, they assume every congregation has trouble communicating with the regional office. Every church gets appointments 11 months in the future.
Now the real problem comes in. Clergy may not want to serve these congregations but they definitely don’t want them to go it alone. The behind-the-scenes clergy prejudice becomes impenetrable.
The problem: no one wants to commit to service in these unpopular congregations.
The solution: create a team of pastors to serve them without commitment.
The team will be made up of retired pastors and pastors who don’t want the inconvenience of moving or readjusting their lives. Call them interim ministers. Have them report regularly to the regional office, so they know what’s going on without having to actually do anything about it. This isn’t far-fetched. It’s actually part of the rationale of regional bodies. The problems may have festered so long that no one wants to deal with them. Better to let the short-termer, uncommitted pastor take the blame. The priority is the comfort of the pastors!
Somebody needs to take the blame.
The “inconvenient” churches need help. A committed pastor has the best chance of providing that help, but it takes work. He or she may need to spend six months visiting every home. Someone may need to admit to some leadership failings. Reconciliation requires a little self-sacrifice. Remember the cross.
Inconvenient churches may need the services of a regional body — but they are not in a position to pay more than a token amount. That’s not all their fault. Their ministries have been neglected for years and that affects stewardship.
So in the world of Church, the attention goes to the congregations that don’t need it.
As long as funds are adequate, everyone can get by. But in difficult times, even the “convenient” deep-pocket churches may become needy.
Someone has to make up for the shortfall when the bigger churches can no longer support the hierarchy at the level to which it is accustomed. (Suddenly they have to do the same work with less money and fewer people — just like the inconvenient churches they failed to serve!)
That’s when the “inconvenient” churches become vulnerable. It has less to do with their ability to survive (they are used to struggling) than it does with the whole lop-sided system.
The “convenient” churches can now use their clout to insure their own survival.
The obvious answer to the hierarchy that has already distanced themselves from their smaller congregations: Close ’em down. Take their assets. Make life more convenient for the convenient churches.
It is quickly forgotten that the nature of ministry is to help the weak.
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Redeemer’s Prayer
We were all once strangers, the weakest, the outcasts, until someone came to our defense, included us, empowered us, reconciled us (1 Cor. 2; Eph. 2).
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On Isaiah 30:15b
Be calm. Wait. Wait. Commit your cause to God. He will make it succeed. Look for Him a little at a time. Wait. Wait. But since this waiting seems long to the flesh and appears like death, the flesh always wavers. But keep faith. Patience will overcome wickedness.
—Martin Luther