Building Ministry One Post at A Time
I began my morning experimenting with a new plug-in called Anthologize. If you are blogging on WordPress, try it.
Anthologize allows a blogger to collect posts and categorize them—edit, rearrange, whatever— and then export them as a single document into Microsoft Word for publication as an ebook.
2×2 has posted a weekly Adult Object Lesson for a while. Had you asked, I’d have said six months or so. Object Lessons account for a lot of our traffic.
When I collected the weekly posts with Anthologize, I found more than 70 posts with object-based sermon illustrations geared to adult learners! Many can be adapted for children. More than a year! Half of Year B of the Standard Lectionary and half of Year C.
Quite a little ministry for a church that doesn’t exist (according to the ELCA)!
Imagine what all the churches that DO exist could be doing on the web!