Ideas for Churches to Blog About in April

Here are some ideas to help keep your blog active next month. Start writing now!

April begins with Easter but most of your writing about Easter should have happened in March.

Recap your congregation’s Easter. Include photos or video.

Explore weekly scriptures and themes:

April 15, 2012
Acts 4:32-35  •  Psalm 133  •  1 John 1:1–2:2  •  John 20:19-31

The theme of the second Sunday of Easter is fellowship. The first lesson deals with the distribution of wealth among the early Christians. The Psalm continues the theme: “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” The apostle John also talks about the importance of fellowship in Jesus. His discourse shifts to a discussion on sin and includes the familiar words of confession used in many liturgies. The Gospel story is the Thomas, the Doubter, story which concludes with one of the first Christian creeds, “My Lord and my God!”

Write about your congregation’s fellowship outreach and how your congregation works together.

April 22, 201
Acts 3:12-19  •  Psalm 4  •  1 John 3:1-7  •  Luke 24:36b-48

The impact of Jesus and the Resurrection is a theme of third Sunday of Easter. Sin is overcome by forgiveness and Jesus’ sacrifice. The Gospel is another story about a visit from the resurrected Christ, one where he proves his return to human form by eating fish with his disciples.

April 27, 2012
Acts 4:5-12  •  Psalm 23  •  1 John 3:16-24  •  John 10:11-18

The theme for the fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. Explore some art and poetry based on the 23rd Psalm. Several well-known hymns parallel the verses of the psalm. Write about the hymn history of these or other Easter season hymns. The sacrifice of the shepherd, founded in love and caring, can be explored. What examples of this type of love can you find in your ministry?

April 4 is the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
April 14 is the anniversary of Lincoln’s death. Tie the two together.

April 15 is the tax filing deadline in the United States. Tie the need to fund our government with the need to fund our church.

April is Autism Awareness Month. Explore ministry to families with autism.

April is Poetry Month. Feature some religious poetry. Hymn lyrics count.

April 22 is Earth Day. Write about stewardship of the earth. Tie it to service projects.

Look ahead to Pentecost. Will you have a confirmation or first communion class? Feature the class members.

School activities and celebrations peak toward the end of the month. Are there concerts, plays or picnics your members might like to support?

Does your congregation have graduates to honor?

Many churches/denominations have spring convocations. Include news or explore issues that will be discussed.

Start promoting your Vacation Bible School. Write about the theme or any events. Interview teachers about why they are willing to teach.

Start promoting your Church Camp.

Review the activities of various church committees and groups. Ask them to guest post!