More on the Competitive Spirit in the Church

Comparisons go along with competition.

  • How does your church compare to other churches in your neighborhood?
  • Are you friendlier?
  • Do you have more money?
  • Are you more grounded in Scripture or tradition?
  • Are you more active in mission?
  • Are you more attractive to families?
  • Are you more appealing to clergy?
  • How does your ministry stand in the minds of your regional body?

Small churches know very well, the power of comparisons and the competitive edge they can give larger churches.

One problem with comparisons is that they begin and end with current experience and definitions of church work. If you are forging new mission ideas, there is nothing to which outsiders can compare your congregation. If this describes your church, prepare to be discounted.

The remedy in this case is to draft your own comparisons. Compare your ministry to

  • other ministries,
  • past ministries (your own and others)
  • secular efforts in the same ministry areas,
  • a scriptural ideal or
  • an ideal of your own definition.

This gives the small church a chance to shine!

Your shining light will grow in brilliance if you control your message. That means using your own media network to define your successes.

TELL YOUR OWN STORY. Use your own words and pictures. Channel the message through your own social media (Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.).

Don’t rely on your regional body to take notice and help you build your reputation. Regional bodies often have their own agenda and current experience is that it is not in supporting small church ministries.

Small churches are well positioned to minister in their communities in ways that would be ignored by larger church ministries.

Small churches, build on your strengths. Don’t allow larger ministries to grade your papers!