Revisiting an Old Video

A Beautiful Video that Teaches the Nature of Mission

2×2 first featured this video in 2012. Although it is not about church, it aptly describes the hopes, frustrations and joys of any mission-driven church worker. Your leaders will relate!


It features Caine, a boy who has a clear sense of mission.


Caine’s mission is to help people have fun. The work is incredibly hard and promises no rewards.


His passion for his project is a God-send to his father who brings the 9-year-old to work with him during the summer. He gave the boy space, boxes, scissors, tape and freedom to use his imagination.


Caine taught himself the rest by observation.


See for yourself how Caine worked at mission with little help and what would be an overwhelming sense of futility for the less mission-driven. Note how Caine optimistically sticks to task, always working to improve what he offers — even when there are no takers.


This video is a primer for all Christians in mission. You might even share it with prospective members but start by sharing it with your leaders. Look for analogies and inspiration. Add their stories of mission to Caine’s.


My favorite scene is when the cash register drawer opens and hits the boy in the face. Now that describes church work!


In your congregational studies of mission, you might team this video with our ebook and slideshow, Mission Inspiration.

Caine’s Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.