Abraham in Art

Building A Nation on Faith and Love

Recent Old Testament lessons in the Revised Common Lectionary have been featuring the story of Abraham and his family. In the Judeo-Christian tradition this features Sarah and their son, Isaac.

Abraham’s life is foundational in the relationship we have with God today. It is also foundational to great friction which has much of the world dancing on eggshells today.

God kept his promise to build a great people from the seed of an old man and woman. With all those children there is bound to be some sibling rivalry.

There are several great Abraham and Sarah stories. There are

  • the visit from three angels who announce God’s intention to provide an heir
  • Sarah’s willingness to encourage other unions to produce an heir
  • the birth of Isaac
  • the sacrifice and salvation of Isaac

All of these are subplots to God’s demand that Abraham uproot his little empire and travel to a new land. He will not be the father of a great nation in Ur.

Today’s artistic choices are by contemporary artists. Each focuses on the elderly Abraham holding newborn Isaac in his arm. This new nation will be built upon love.

Here is a drawing, Father Abraham, created in recent years by Ria Spencer. Her company, WillowRise, features spiritual arts. Her favorite medium is colored pencil. Visit WillowRise.


Here is another contemporary work by Tom White. It is a bronze sculpture of the same subject. The joy of sculpture is dimension. Every angle tells a slightly different story. Visit Tom White Studios.



To remind us that this story is part of an epic, we’ll include this painting from 1880 by Jozsef-Molnar. There’s a lot going on here. Sometimes we forget that because we can read the story of Abraham in one sitting that it all took place quickly.

The move from Ur to start a new nation was an act of faith, love and courage for all of Abraham’s household. It was likely to have been a logistical nightmare with only the incredible and unlikely promises of God as a reward.

We live today in the shadow of this great movement. You see, there was this other son of Abraham.
