Easter 2013: Four Years Locked Out of Our Church

RedeemerEaster2013lrCan No One Roll the Stone Away?

Redeemer members gathered this Easter on the sidewalks of our forbidden house of worship. Our pastor led us in a song. We took turns singing verses of I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Redeemer still is a church full of soloists.

We then went to a member’s home for Easter Fellowship. Ham and kielbasa. Delicious.

We had changed our Easter time to accommodate the plans of our members. So when two carloads passed by the church at the normal time for Redeemer worship (10 am) they found an empty church (as opposed to an empty tomb).

We caught up with them later and took a second photo.

Fortunately, we can resurrect our sign which our bishop was so intent on destroying. It’s looking better than the church!

Take away the name. Take away the heritage. Destroy the church. Control the wealth.

SEPA, let the people who love a church, care for it. That’s the Lutheran way.
