Engaging Conversations for Change in the Church

2×2 follows several online forums.

CMConnect is a lively forum with lots of input on many subjects about Christian education. Many, if not most, of the voices are lay. The dialog is practical and hands on. Nitty-gritty questions get quick and thorough answers. Participants are actively trying to help one another. It’s eclectic, down-to-earth and helpful.

Another forum we follow is Alban Institute’s Roundtable, which poses a topic prompted by a book offering each Monday morning. The voices in this forum are almost exclusively those of clergy.

The engagement is miniscule compared to that of CMConnect, but those that respond usually do so at some length. The topics that draw interaction are interesting.

An October post from a book by a female pastor discussing the length of hair, jewelry and wardrobe of women in ministry drew 22 passionate responses.

A pivotal post about the future of religion in the Digital Age drew one response (2×2’s) and that response awaited moderation for a full week!

The comfortable perennial topics of budgets and teaching draw moderate dialog — three or four comments.

Tough topics that stand to change the church draw little or no interaction.

It is difficult to engage church leaders on topics outside their comfort level. Why? Are they comfortable in the isolation of their parish? Are they fearful of hierarchical repercussions? Must dialog be within approved denominational channels?

Without more open discussion, the Church will continue to decline.

Discussion must take place among church leaders and between leaders and lay people. Technology makes this easy. Changing habits is hard!

upper photo credit: patricia kranenberg via photopin cc