Expanding the Lutheran World Map

2×2 Foundation of Redeemer Lutheran Church in East Falls, has spent much of the last two weeks promoting consciousness of the horrific events in Pakistan. There have been three bombings in or near churches that killed about 125 and wounded 250. We reported the stories of terror from our friends in ministry there. We asked for contributions to assist the Christian community in northern Pakistan, mostly to help with the ongoing care of the seriously wounded.

Tomorrow we will wire the gifts sent to us earmarked for Pakistan. There were four contributors, including two Redeemer members and two followers of 2×2. We did not raise much money—just $250. But we are betting that this is more than most other Lutherans.

We looked for an organized Lutheran effort which might facilitate getting the gifts we raised to the right people.

We discovered that Pakistan is not on the Lutheran map. There are no companion synods in the ELCA. Lutheran World Relief which is jointly supported by the ELCA and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has no indication on its website that it serves the needy in Pakistan.

That part of the world just isn’t on our map.

Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

The problem may be that enemies of freedom such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban have links to Pakistan.

And so we keep all the people in that region at a distance. Out of sight; out of mind.

It might be wiser to pay more attention. We may not think we are part of the problems of that region but Muslim terrorists equate US policy with Christianity. It would be short-sighted to believe that they will limit their aggression to Christians in their own land for long. Or did we learn nothing on 9/11?

The Christian Community should take note of what is happening in Pakistan. We should find a way to express compassion. They are very aware that the Western Church knows nothing of them. It’s a lonely feeling. And yet they continue to witness, knowing that they are political targets. Their church buildings, their families, their weak and needy—all targets.

We will probably have to experience a similar loss on our soil before we are able to empathize.

2×2 can’t do much. After all, we don’t even exist according the ELCA. We are no longer part of the great interdependence of Lutherans. We’re on our own.

We’ll keep their needs before the world and contribute as we can.

Send contributions marked Pakistan Relief and we can wire them to Christian leaders in Pakistan