Practicing Happiness Techniques in Worship: Part 2 of 5

Write A Daily Journal Entry

An unexamined life is not worth living.


Shawn Acher’s second recommendation in The Happiness Advantage is to write a daily journal entry addressing in depth something that added joy or happiness to your life.

Writing things down has a power. Motivational experts often give advice to commit hopes, goals, or intentions to paper to increase the prospects of making them reality. “Post your goal on the whiteboard. Make a “to do” list.” The act of writing changes the brain’s priorities. It will help you solve problems and determine direction. Acher adds, it will also help you be happy.

There is something to the discipline of doing something daily. Blogging experts always advise posting two or three times a week. Daily if possible.

Some of the most faithful Redeemer members are dedicated daily readers of devotional books. Even in our exile we have kept up Redeemer’s subscription to the ELCA devotional book, Word in Season. Our members purchase multiple copies.

Enthusiasm for daily devotional readings doesn’t stop there. Redeemer members still stop by other East Falls churches, share extra books and pick up copies of other denomination’s devotional booklets. They often come to worship eager to compare readings from the different publications.

One recent Sunday morning we met at a local bar/restaurant. (Our eviction from God’s house leads us to the strangest places!)

We hadn’t planned an Ambassador visit that morning, but we like to get together regardless. While we awaited breakfast one member said, “Let’s read from our devotional booklets and have a prayer.” She reached for her purse and tapped her arsenal of dog-eared booklets, leafed through them, and chose some readings. We sat in that bar and had our morning worship!

Daily devotions is a discipline which has contributed to our ongoing happiness even under persecution.

But Achor is advising writing! That’s a bit different! How can this enhance congregational life?


Try asking your members to write happiness experiences in the form of devotional illustrations. Each week list the daily lectionary scripture readings in your worship bulletin. You can find them online. Invite members to share some of their thoughts based on the readings.


Here is where your web site can be put to work. Create  a “happiness” page. You might label it “Blessings.” With permission, post your members’ writings. Compile them into a weekly newsletter and email them to your followers.

Use one or two of the best in worship.


Actually mail some writings to shut ins, students, or new members — anyone that might need a word of encouragement. You can use greeting cards or letters. Physical mail can be powerful, a meaningful departure from the digital age.

Your members will be boosting their happiness quotient and sharing the joy!


Remember Acher’s advice: Give it at least 21 days! Our advice, as a group give it three months.

What ideas to you have that might make happiness journaling part of your worship life?