Put Some Verbs in Your Parish Reports

A pastor, was lamenting that the forms he fills out every year to report his congregation’s ministry don’t ask the questions which really measure their ministry. “All they count is members and money — not what happens with the members and money.”

Church statistics can mislead. As one eminent church consultant commented—There are congregations with 20 members that will die and there are congregations with 20 members who have what it takes to grow.

Similarly, there are congregations with $1,000,000 in endowment funds that do little but watch it grow. After all, that can be measured on next year’s report. On the other hand, there are congregations that struggle to pay the insurance but have tons of projects and mission ideas.

How should denominations measure congregational ministry?

Start counting verbs as well as nouns. What is happening with the money and people you are counting? For example:

  • It is of no value to count the number of Spanish-speaking Christians if you cannot name a single ministry outreach effort that addresses the Hispanic community.
  • Did your church baptize 5 children this year but have no Vacation Bible School?
  • How did you spend the your offerings this year? Did it all go for salaries and utilities? Was anything spent on mission?

Look over your parish report and attach a verb to every number. If you have a hard time coming up with verbs, you have a good idea of what needs attention.

If there is no place on your forms for your full ministry report — one with some verbs — attach it anyway. Who knows? It may do some good! And it may be more honest than a list of numbers.