This Week’s Gospel in Art-The Feast with Simon

christ_s-1Luke 7:36-8:3

The Feast at the Home of Simon, the Pharisee

Here are three images of this week’s gospel story from Luke—the story of dinner with Simon, the Pharisee.

The 18th century French artist, Pierre Subleyras, gives us a great deal to look at and ponder (1737). It is fun to see the depiction of a rich feast with all the hubbub of a modern meet and greet. There are servants, musicians, children, and even a dog nibbling at the scraps.  Note the poignant side-show on the left.

39religiPeter Paul Rubens, a century earlier, has the action front and center. Both artists have Jesus and company seated at western table. It is likely the real feast table was closer to the ground.

Since the biblical account is not very clear about just how many people attended this dinner party, here is a simpler depiction (below). My goodness, is that a Catholic friar in attendance? Could it be Martin Luther! And they were worried about the sinful woman intruding! Next time, hire a bouncer!

It’s by Dieric Bouts, from the 1440s. (It’s not Martin Luther in the painting! He came along a few years later!)
