Using #-tags in Twitter can be inspirational

Today’s Twitter Assignment

twiIn our Twitter experiment I started researching the power of the #-tag.

The # is a way of finding people who share your interests — long-term interests or passing fancies.

I started by plugging #church into the search box at the top of the twitter page.

Tons of tweets followed, a few of them of interest.

Here is a link to one of them. It addresses church polity and how church polity can go against church law depending on the faddish thinking of church leaders or members at the time.

It is precisely the same problem Redeemer faces with the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (SEPA / ELCA). Church polity can go against its own written laws and the courts will not uphold church law. In our case, they won’t even hear the case.

The lesson to be learned is that church members must be vigilant about enforcing their own laws or it will take years and unmeasurable embarrassment to correct mistakes of wayward leadership.

I wouldn’t have found this interesting vignette without Twitter.

Use the #-tag to find topics of interest to you and follow the voices which are most interesting to you.

That’s today’s Twitter assignment! I’ll add the #-tag to a few more topics and see what surfaces.