Why Social Media? We are fine the way we are.

Who needs social media?
We are just a neighborhood church. No need to reach the world.

Or . .

Who needs social media?
We are a thriving suburban church with plenty to do as it is.

Using social media as an evangelism tool does not stop your congregation from being a local neighborhood church. Nor does it have to detract from your current mission efforts.

You can still have weekly worship in your sanctuary, mid-week activities, and weekend service projects. You can still sing in the choir and teach Sunday School. You will still know your neighbors.

There might just be more of them!

Social Media opens the doors to new possibilities.

  • Social Media helps you network with people you will never meet if you are waiting for them to show up on Sunday morning.
  • You will be able to identify needs that you may be able to serve but which you won’t hear about through the traditional channel of pooling resources and sending them to a regional body.
  • Your view of the world will change as Christians from all over the world begin to contact you.
  • Your broader world view will eventually impress your visitors as they will have more opportunity to connect with their skills and interests.
  • You will be more effective in whatever your mission might be.
  • More effective ministry tends to attract contributors.

Social Media is an investment in time for sure. The investment in money does not have to be great. You can get started for less than $100.

After two years, 2×2 can testify that the attention devoted to outreach on the internet is mission-changing.

It’s a new year. Give it a try.

If you need help, contact us. We’ll be glad to share.